Tiny Books

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Tiny book creation guide:

Dear children,

We hope that these 18 short, illustrated stories, which we call Tiny Books, will help you experience the joy of reading and learn more about the diverse world around you and the many different people who live there. For all of us to be able to talk with one another, it’s very important to see the world through someone else’s eyes, to walk in their shoes. If you have questions after reading these tiny books, please share them with the adults who are closest to you. These tiny books were created by 36 writers and illustrators from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, who all share a love for creative work, children’s literature, and a desire to share stories you’ve never heard before.

Dear adults,

Nobel laureate in literature Olga Tokarczuk has said that “only literature is capable of letting us go deep into the life of another being, understand their reasons, share their emotions, and to experience their fate.” These words inspired us to create a project that has produced 18 tiny books by Baltic authors, exploring subjects such as human rights, interpersonal relations, and understanding ourselves. We invite you to read these tiny books with children ages 6 to 10 and, after reading them, to discuss the story you’ve read and the living bond you’ve experienced, to help children reflect on their own feelings and those of others. You’ll be assisted in this endeavour by questions prepared by child psychologists participating in this project, and a children’s literature specialist who has also prepared some advice about how to use these tiny books to nurture your children’s creativity.

Dear children’s literature creators and professionals,

This is the first creative group collaboration project of its scope among creators – writers and illustrators – from the three Baltic countries. As many as 36 artists of different styles, approaches, and character have created short, original, illustrated stories for young individuals – future citizens of the world – growing up in today’s reality. These stories touch on five different subjects related to human rights: equality, cultural diversity, disability, gender roles, ageism, and freedom of speech, responding to issues that are so relevant today, such as inclusion and representation in children’s literature. This collection also serves as a way for these creators to present themselves and a rich sample of their work. We invite you to explore the field of Baltic children’s literature, enjoy these wonderful works, and build a connection with the authors of these tiny books.

Download Tiny books here